emoji wearing masks against COVID-19This is a strange week for us, as I tested positive for the COVID-19 virus eight days ago. I’ve rewritten this post so many times. COVID-19 can kill people. It’s particularly dangerous because many people are symptom free, don’t even know they’ve been infected, and are passing it on to others.

What I’ve been dreading for over a year already happened to my husband but he’s fully recovered. Fortunately he had no symptoms. Somehow his immune system fought off a deadly virus all while dealing with cancer and kidney failure.

How is that even possible? Yet the COVID-19 virus was in his body according to several tests. I most likely caught it from him two days after of his return home from the hospital. Like Rob, I have no symptoms at all. At eight days, I still have none, no fever, or cold or flu signs. (Ojalá, as they say in Spanish!)

Lest We Forget: COVID-19 Can Kill

I continue to follow quarantine and mask prevention steps for the benefit of other people. I avoid going outside except to walk the dog. This infection has made me more aware of how easy it would be to pass on COVID to others. If I were to ignore the “rules” because I don’t feel sick, I’d put others at risk.

I have to remind myself: I’m positive for COVID-19. It’s tempting to continue my usual activities, like playing pickleball, working out in the gym, grocery shopping, pharmacy runs, etc. I’ve had to cancel physical therapy for my shoulder replacement rehab, and several doctor’s appointments. I was even scheduled for a back pain treatment that I was really looking forward to!

Instead, I view myself as a zombie, one of the “walking dead,” who can cause death and destruction at a mere touch or a sneeze. It’s like being in the middle of a war where the enemy looks just like everyone else. The stakes are high.

What You Can Do

As my Buddhist friends would say, “It is what it is.” For me, it is critical to safeguard my mental health as well. I can’t allow myself to become paranoid. Seniors can be at risk for anxiety and depression. Some internet posts warn us that more dangerous viruses are coming. All we can do is guard against this one one step at a time. Get vaccinated as soon as you can. Do it for your family and others if you don’t like it, but do it.

Get tested, even with limited symptoms. Chances are, this latest surge means you have been exposed to some one who also has no symptoms. Then, if you are positive, stay home, stay masked, and help stop this devastating virus that can kill.

As well, make sure your diet includes plenty of vegetables and fruit, rich in antioxidants. Boost your immune system with a healthy diet and exercise. Both Rob and I were infected with COVID-19, but escaped the ravages that endanger many seniors. It baffles me, but perhaps our diet and exercise routines helps our body cope and recuperate. It really has made us grateful. Never again will I complain I don’t feel like going to the gym. It may be what has saved our hides.

Please, do what you can. Exercise, eat right, enjoy the company of others without risk of spreading the virus. COVID-19 can kill. Be healthy, stay safe.

PS: I felt a lot of warmth and gratitude from readers of this blog and Facebook who responded with well wishes; I thank you so much! Abrazos!