War On Aging: Our Daily Battles
Smoker’s Health: They Have None
After all these years with the Surgeon General and health expert’s warnings too many otherwise intelligent men and women still have the tobacco habit. Cigarettes kill 440,000 Americans a year, on average, so right there that’s 440,000 good reasons not to smoke....
Joint Strength & Muscle Flexibility
Here’s a typical intermediate joint strength and muscle flexibility situation that happens to us all. Alex was fortunate enough to retire at 50 and he immediately took up skiing as his “fun activity”. Alex was a little overweight and somewhat out of shape. But Alex...
Causes of Aging in Our Cells: What Seniors Can Do
I have posted a number of blog posts surrounding the effects of the mitochondria have on aging cells. In this post I will attempt to clarify the why you should care about these cellular activities. Please forgive me for droning on this subject; however, Dr. Patsi and...
Are Telomeres the Key to Aging and Preventing Cancer?
Inside the nucleus of a cell, our genes are arranged along twisted, double-stranded molecules of DNA called chromosomes. At the ends of the chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telomeres, which protect our genetic data, make it possible for cells to divide, and...
Mitochondria Shown to Trigger Cell Aging
Scientists have carried out an experiment which conclusively proves for the first time that mitochondria are major triggers of cell aging. This brings scientists a step closer to developing therapies to counteract the aging of cells, by targeting mitochondria. In a...
A Major Cause of Aging:
Changes in Mitochondrial Function
You are growing older every hour of the day, on a cellular level. A major cause of aging is inside the cells of your body. Your mitochondria, inside the nucleus of your cells, are responsible for replicating your DNA, making your cells divide to make new muscle, new...
The Battle for Your Life
Today’s seniors don’t look or act anything like “old people.” In this new era, we redefine what it means to be seniors. At 60, 70, 80, and 90, an increasing number of us are physically and mentally active, playing sports, and leading interesting lives.
But not all. How come some seniors flourish with age, while others wither on the vine? Science is discovering the answers. Psychologist Dr. Patsi Krakoff and Razer President Robert Krakoff explain what you must do to:
- Enjoy retirement
- Delay or avoid 50% of chronic diseases of aging
- Minimize weakness and pain, increase energy & vitality
- Extend your lifespan—and your “health-span”
The new imperative is to keep moving. You can be stronger, live longer, have more fun, love more people, and truly age well. Today’s seniors are fighting back against decay and decrepitude. These seniors are fighting the War on Aging.

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