War On Aging: Our Daily Battles
Please, Is There Anything that
Helps Stop Back Pain?
I need to stop back pain. They say that growing older is a privilege and while I understand that, when I wake in the morning it can feel more like a curse. In truth, I may look younger than my age, but my back acts like it belongs to a crotchety old hunchback who eats...
Top 10 Excuses Seniors
Use to Not Exercise
As a senior, you know you "should" exercise more—and yet, somehow when you're 60, 70, 80 or beyond—the excuses to not exercise seem very BIG and REAL! Exercise reluctance happens at any age, but when it's compounded by aging body parts, it's hard to tell the...
If Growing Older Isn’t for Sissies,
Then Who’s It For?
Growing older—and doing it well—requires outsmarting some of your old habits and adopting new ways of exercise, nutrition, sleep, and play. We seniors may be "old dogs" but most of us can easily adopt new tricks. Some friends of ours tell us "Don't bother with...
Senior Fitness for Old Folks:
“Just Do It Anyway!”
My body aches.Yet my mantra seems to be "do it anyway." When it comes to senior fitness, it's not easy. Here's why I spend time exercising and suggest all old folks do too. First, here's my BMW (bitching, moaning, and whining). Often it's a chore to stand. After...
How to Motivate Yourself into
Exercise When You’re Aging
If you ask me, it's hard to start an exercise habit at any age, but it gets harder the older you get. Most of us have some sort of chronic injury and more body parts hurt. Add to that chronic problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and weight-gain and the thought of...
4 Excuses That Stop Seniors From Exercising
And How You Can “Just Do It!”
What are the most common excuses that stop seniors from exercising? If you're like most seniors, you have your recurring reasons to hate exercise that stops you from "just doing it." Am I right? Let's face it, you probably hate exercise. It's rare to meet people who...
The Battle for Your Life
Today’s seniors don’t look or act anything like “old people.” In this new era, we redefine what it means to be seniors. At 60, 70, 80, and 90, an increasing number of us are physically and mentally active, playing sports, and leading interesting lives.
But not all. How come some seniors flourish with age, while others wither on the vine? Science is discovering the answers. Psychologist Dr. Patsi Krakoff and Razer President Robert Krakoff explain what you must do to:
- Enjoy retirement
- Delay or avoid 50% of chronic diseases of aging
- Minimize weakness and pain, increase energy & vitality
- Extend your lifespan—and your “health-span”
The new imperative is to keep moving. You can be stronger, live longer, have more fun, love more people, and truly age well. Today’s seniors are fighting back against decay and decrepitude. These seniors are fighting the War on Aging.

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