War On Aging: Our Daily Battles
The War on Aging: Nobody Is
Going to Fight Your Battles
When Rob and I started writing our book, the War on Aging, we needed a place to summarize our experiences with aging and staying fit. Hence we starting writing this blog, Senior Fitness for Life. Our main objective is to help other people like us, in our “third half”...
Senior Falls and Fractures:
Are Women More Vulnerable?
Here in our village of Ajijic,in Mexico, falls and fractures are quite common: cobblestone streets, narrow sidewalks and tourists craning their necks are a recipe for disaster. One misstep off a curb and toodle-doo, off to the hospital we go. Add to that an abundance...
Senior Fitness Benchmarks
Have you achieved Senior Fitness for Life status? It's never too late to start—even for Super Seniors like me (persons over 70 years.) As a Super Senior, I know what that requires: commitment, time, and certainly dedication. The results are measurable, but not only by...
Seniors Are Fighting a War on Toxins
I think we can all agree: our environment is much worse than it was in the mid 20th century, and it’s not getting any better. Our air, water, food, and ecosystem are overloaded with toxins and pollutants. This overworks cells in organisms, animals and humans alike....
What Good Is a Longer Lifespan
Without a Longer Health-span?
In the past 100 years, science has managed to extend our lifespan from the early 40s to our late 70s and early 80s. In Japan, life expectancy is already well into the 80s. That's amazing. But who wants to live longer in poor health? What is encouraging is that older...
Is Daily Exercise Good for Seniors?
Rob and I encourage all seniors to do physical exercise every day. But what happens when the following day you are really sore and exhausted? Today, for example, I ache all over from playing Pickle Ball and from a body-building session with my trainer. Here's what Dr....
The Battle for Your Life
Today’s seniors don’t look or act anything like “old people.” In this new era, we redefine what it means to be seniors. At 60, 70, 80, and 90, an increasing number of us are physically and mentally active, playing sports, and leading interesting lives.
But not all. How come some seniors flourish with age, while others wither on the vine? Science is discovering the answers. Psychologist Dr. Patsi Krakoff and Razer President Robert Krakoff explain what you must do to:
- Enjoy retirement
- Delay or avoid 50% of chronic diseases of aging
- Minimize weakness and pain, increase energy & vitality
- Extend your lifespan—and your “health-span”
The new imperative is to keep moving. You can be stronger, live longer, have more fun, love more people, and truly age well. Today’s seniors are fighting back against decay and decrepitude. These seniors are fighting the War on Aging.

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