War On Aging: Our Daily Battles
How Long Will You Live? The Day I Learned
I’d Passed My “Sell-By” Date
Several years ago, we were with some friends and one guy bragged his dad was still golfing at 98. Another said he didn’t worry about exercise or diet because his parents lived to 99. He announced, “How long you live is up to your genes.” I was shocked! You see, my...
People Unlimited and the
Six Pillars of Aging Well
A couple of weeks ago, Rob and I were invited to speak at a conference sponsored by People Unlimited in Scottsdale, AZ. We focused on key topics from our book War on Aging, the six pillars of aging well. The conference theme was "Aliveness Loves Company," and featured...
Senior Fitness: Track Your Progress
How are you doing with your fitness goals that you set at the beginning of the year? Oh! Well, that's okay. If you're like many seniors, your best intentions may have been way-layed by life events. Not to worry, there are plenty of ways to get back on track, no matter...
How to Build a Better Brain at Any Age
"I hold that the brain is the most powerful organ in the human body." — Hippocrates Considering all the injuries and diseases that seniors are at risk for, nothing provokes greater fear than losing our minds. We can tolerate a lot of things going wrong, and often do....
Tips for Seniors on Finding the Right Personal Trainer
Seniors who haven't been exercising regularly may not realize how important it is to start right with a personal trainer. It's easy to get injured by not doing exercises properly, and injuries can derail the best intentions. Here's what you need to know. One of the...
Looking for a Gym? Here’s What
Seniors Need to Know
If you're a senior looking for a gym, don't be put-off by all the testosterone-driven, muscle-bulging youngsters. You have a right to good health and fitness and everyone starts somewhere. Remember the tortoise. You want to be among those who live longer. The way to...
The Battle for Your Life
Today’s seniors don’t look or act anything like “old people.” In this new era, we redefine what it means to be seniors. At 60, 70, 80, and 90, an increasing number of us are physically and mentally active, playing sports, and leading interesting lives.
But not all. How come some seniors flourish with age, while others wither on the vine? Science is discovering the answers. Psychologist Dr. Patsi Krakoff and Razer President Robert Krakoff explain what you must do to:
- Enjoy retirement
- Delay or avoid 50% of chronic diseases of aging
- Minimize weakness and pain, increase energy & vitality
- Extend your lifespan—and your “health-span”
The new imperative is to keep moving. You can be stronger, live longer, have more fun, love more people, and truly age well. Today’s seniors are fighting back against decay and decrepitude. These seniors are fighting the War on Aging.

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