War On Aging: Our Daily Battles
Core Fitness Is the Secret to Living Longer Disease-free
How fit is your core section? Core fitness is especially important for seniors who want to live longer and stay disease free. Even more so than your BMI, doctors say the most important indicator of health is your ratio of waist to hip. Having a fit midsection—besides...
Motivate, Mold and Manage Your Muscles
As an older person, do you have trouble motivating yourself to exercise? Everyone's different, but here are a few tips on how to motivate, mold and manage your muscles, especially for seniors who want to keep fit. If you're anything like me, motivation is half the...
The Exercise Bandwagon Is No Joke for Seniors
Has this happened to you? You barely make it through January when your gym workout becomes so boring you want to quit. I've seen a lot of women get on the exercise bandwagon after the Holidays and fall off early because they started a routine that wasn't challenging...
New Year Fitness Goals and the Reason Willpower Fades
What fitness goals have you set for this New Year? Millions of people are once again trying to lose weight and follow a diet and exercise program. Often we set our intention by boldly claiming it out loud to a friend or family member. It becomes an audacious health...
This Is Your 2020 New Year: Healthy Senior Eating
You've been here before, we all have. One more New Year and another resolution to eat healthy, exercise more, and regain your energy and drive! Take heart, healthy senior eating is possible but it often involves practice and perseverance. This year, I'm joining all of...
Senior Weight Gain: the Hazards of Holiday Eating
I swore off sugar in October when we moved from Mexico back to the States. I was afraid the temptations offered by American candy would throw me back into the senior weight gain dieting game. And, for six weeks, I did really good. For me, holiday eating kicked-off at...
The Battle for Your Life
Today’s seniors don’t look or act anything like “old people.” In this new era, we redefine what it means to be seniors. At 60, 70, 80, and 90, an increasing number of us are physically and mentally active, playing sports, and leading interesting lives.
But not all. How come some seniors flourish with age, while others wither on the vine? Science is discovering the answers. Psychologist Dr. Patsi Krakoff and Razer President Robert Krakoff explain what you must do to:
- Enjoy retirement
- Delay or avoid 50% of chronic diseases of aging
- Minimize weakness and pain, increase energy & vitality
- Extend your lifespan—and your “health-span”
The new imperative is to keep moving. You can be stronger, live longer, have more fun, love more people, and truly age well. Today’s seniors are fighting back against decay and decrepitude. These seniors are fighting the War on Aging.

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