Magnesium for Brain Health

Magnesium for Brain Health

You may not know you’re lacking magnesium until it’s too late. Magnesium deficiency has been associated with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerotic disease, sudden cardiac death, migraines, and colon cancer. Nearly half the U.S. population...
Pandemic Stress on Your Aging Brain

Pandemic Stress on Your Aging Brain

Dealing with aches and pains in an aging body is hard enough. But with the addition of pandemic stress, your brain health takes a hit. How do active seniors deal with it? Some of us have gained enough wisdom and emotional flexibility to handle stress well. For others,...
Wanted: Magic Pill to Boost Brain Health

Wanted: Magic Pill to Boost Brain Health

I hear this from senior friends a lot: “If you find a magic pill that will boost brain health, sharpen memory, and spur afternoon focus and energy, please let me know.” For myself, I’ve got an aging brain that is slowing down. Therefore I’ve...