by Patsi Krakoff | Jun 20, 2019 | Exercise, Lifestyle, Senior Fitness, Senior Health, Senior War on Aging
Do you have the mind of a warrior? That can be a good thing in the War on Aging. It takes courage and aggressiveness to stand up to growing older, to fight the aches and pains of joints, to “just do it anyway.” Smart senior warriors, however, know when to...
by Patsi Krakoff | Jun 18, 2019 | Exercise, Lifestyle, Longevity, Senior Fitness
Which of these five lifestyle habits are part of your daily routine? Seniors can add 12 to 14 years to their lives with these critical shifts in how they live. In a 2018 study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation researchers pinpointed five...
by Patsi Krakoff | Jun 14, 2019 | Aging Brain, Senior Fitness
You can’t believe everything you read about the brain on the internet. Beware of brain fitness sites that sell games that claim to make you smarter and protect you from cognitive decline. The popularity of games for the brain isn’t supported by scientific...
by Patsi Krakoff | Jun 11, 2019 | Aging Brain, Nutrition, Senior Fitness, Senior Health
Should seniors take psychobiotics for brain health? If you’re not sure what “psychobiotics” are, don’t worry. It’s a new term for probiotic bacteria that have a beneficial effect on our moods and cognition. Taking daily probiotics...
by Patsi Krakoff | Jun 7, 2019 | Aging Brain, Nutrition, Senior Fitness, Senior Health
Among all the indignant maladies that visit seniors, digestive problems (cramps, flatulence, bloating, etc.) can be the most annoying. After a recent bout of the catch-all diagnosis “irritable bowel syndrome,” I became curious about probiotics and natural...
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